Cover Reveal for the Prequel THE PRIESTESS OF CAMELOT!


Cue the trumpets! It’s here! The cover reveal for the Heirs of Camelot prequel THE PRIESTESS OF CAMELOT. I think it came out beautifully. Many thanks to Vagabondage Press/Strange Fictions Press. THE PRIESTESS OF CAMELOT is basically a mouse-eye view of King Arthur and Merlin, with magic, and intrigue, and a Goddess busily planning… something.

Here’s the summary and endorsement:

Tagline: A Nordic priestess falls in love with both Merlin and King Arthur and bears their sons. Along with her daughter, she constructs a plan that will endure 1500 years.

Summary: This prequel to the Heirs of Camelot series follows the life of Anya, a priestess of the Rus as she leaves her home country and arrives in Britain. There she joins the sisterhood of Avalon, headed by the scheming Morgaine. W  hen Anya runs afoul of the Avalonian high priestess she is sent to Camelot to spy on the court while acting as the healer. But she falls in love with both Merlin and King Arthur. When she leaves the Court to become Merlin’s woman, she takes part in the most audacious plan to return Goddess worship to Britain: the Holy Grail. In the end, she loses both great men, but gains sons by them and a daughter by the Goddess. With rituals and relics, and writing down the stories of the times, Anya creates a structure that will endure 1500 years to save Britain from a future that terrifies her. [Referred to in the series as “the Book of Anya.”] The Priestess of Camelot is filled with love and mystical experiences that will thrill readers of Arthurian lore.

“Drawing on the rich panoply of British history, myths and legends, The Priestess of Camelot weaves its tapestry from threads of traditional tales and imaginative fiction. [The book blends] Celtic mystery, magic, romance, and spiritual growth, with dark-age dangers, intrigue, and lust for revenge. A unique and refreshing take on the Arthurian story. Follow it with your heart.”~ E.M. Swift-Hook, co-author of the Dai and Julia alternate history mysteries.

For those who need this warning: there is female-female as well as male-female sex described in this book.

Stay tuned for the notification on Amazon links.

Also, THE MIDSUMMER WIFE will go on a special sale in October, and I will be participating in Barnes & Noble’s author signing event in November. Stay tuned for details!

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