When Chloe and Zoe Tozier, orphaned teenage twins growing-up in their grandmothers quirky but seemingly dull Kansas museum/mansion, follow a wayward sparrow down a mysterious secret hallway to a basement they never knew existed—odd things start to happen fast. They discover a huge mosaic, hidden in the secret room, but it’s half destroyed. Replacing just …
Once again, Joan Druett shows her sure-footed understanding of a historical setting in THE LAUNCHING OF THE HUNTRESS.
I WORE HEELS TO THE APOCALYPSE by C.H. Clepitt is totally and thoroughly hilarious! I scared the dog several times laughing at various points throughout the book.
STARSWEPT by Mary Fan is an entirely unexpected novel. Although “Science Fiction Romance” is an emerging genre, there aren’t too many that are crafted so well, with such a terrific amount of world-building and greater plot.
If you love science fiction with complex plotting, note-perfect world-building, and characters who are as flawed and complicated as everyone you meet in real life, then you must read Trust A FEW.