When Chloe and Zoe Tozier, orphaned teenage twins growing-up in their grandmothers quirky but seemingly dull Kansas museum/mansion, follow a wayward sparrow down a mysterious secret hallway to a basement they never knew existed—odd things start to happen fast. They discover a huge mosaic, hidden in the secret room, but it’s half destroyed. Replacing just one tile sets of a chime that alerts all of the magical creatures left on Earth—and war begins!
Fast-paced, written with verve and pluck that can be feel both modern and nostalgic, this YA fantasy will enchant and entertain you (or your teen self). Plenty of scrapes and adventures, creatures of every type, complex relationships, magic, and danger for a whole series packed into one book. Chris Keaton and Rick Taubold have created a thoroughly believable magical adventure—and I’m looking forward to the next book!
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5/5 stars!